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Cristnogion dros Addysg
Supporting Schools & Colleges through the Local Christian Community
Cefnogi ysgolion a colegau trwyr cymuned cristnogol lleuol

Some of our linked projects...
The team at C4E are linked to different projects, which you can read about below, but we are happy to share ideas and support individuals in whatever ways we can. Please contact us at with any queries.

TLG Early Intervention -
Transforming Lives for Good, or TLG, early intervention scheme trains volunteers as coaches to support one child for one hour a week for a year. Within the C4E team we have a mixture of local co-ordinators and coaches. Contact us to know how you could become more involved or find more information at

Good News for Everyone -
The team at C4E have connected with our local GNfE branch and have been involved in distributing bibles to Year 7 in a number of local high schools as well as delivering the accompanying assembly. C4E have also linked with GNfE to trial new resources.

Courses -
C4E have been involved in delivering a number of group activities and courses in schools for parents and carers such as Care for the Family's Parent Talk and cooking classes for parents. Contact us to find out how we can support you in delivering courses in your school.

Assemblies -
In addition to delivering the bibles on behalf of GNfE, many of the C4E team deliver assemblies regularly in a variety of schools. For some this involves working as part of an Open the Book team bringing bible stories to life through drama.

Pray for Schools Wales-
Pray for Schools Wales meet every half term to join people all over Wales in a time of prayer whilst hearing from guest speakers. C4E are involved with the planning as well as the facilitation of these meetings. Find out more at or contact Helen on the C4E email.
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